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[Lv 600] Cyntara Zone

this quest important for something 

if you are in war or something and you need to make a fast refil you can use 

also to use some runes


20:45 You cannot use the potion levers until you have completed the Cyntara Zone quest.

you need to done the quest to use it 

first you need to get eternal flames

there is 2 ways to get it :

first way you can buy it from down temple by play points 

second way from demodras boss

you can found this boss in dragon lord hunt 


now you got the eternal flames

put your eternal flames in coal basin

then click the statue


now you need to kill this bosses 

after you kill all the bosses you must have this items 


you can loot them from the the bosses's dead body

then you need to put them like that 

you need to put them in order from LEFT to RIGHT:

Apperition Dust > Elemental Crystal > Wooden Stake > Glowing Dracoyle Statue > Cocaine > Spool of Yarn > Flawless Ice Crystal

NOTE:  if you forgot and put any from the item in another place you it will disappear


then you need to click on statue

then enter here 

then kill the boss

after you done go back to enter the door

now you are done :D