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Vial of Zydrate/The Knife

The Knife allows you to start collecting and using Vial of Zydrate. This is a short term buff that provides a variety of great effects.

When you drink/use this item you gain: Fills your soul points, skills increased by 5%, maximum mana or hit points by 5% and benefit from double health or mana regeneration. The increase in health or mana depends on your vocation!

-You see the knife. It weighs 5.00 oz. To help with the agony.


What is theThe knife?Knife?

Its an item allowAllows you to use Vials of Zydrate.

While this use to be a incredibly hard item to acquire it has since become a lot easier. It use to be hard to get The Knife in old versions of Cyntara but nowadays there is other ways to get it. Making it more easy!

FirstOption Way:1:

KillingJesters World Raid is one option. There is announcement before spawn, and it can spawn: Violent J, Joey TerrifyingTerrifying, Faygo Vendor. This raid takes place in his raid in Venore (Raid boss/Event)

Two powerful jesters have made their way to Venore!(Raid boss/Event)


Second Way:

KillingEntering Mortal Combat Arena and killing Joey TerrifyingTerrifying. inPretty [Lvl 500] Mortal Kombat. It's way harderhard but still a way to get it. Just need to be patient.


Third Way:

KillingGoing to the Mind Flayers(Flayers spawn and killing Mind Flayers. (Level 1000 Spawn) It'sRare a rare to drop but still one way.Drop


You see a Vial of Zydrate. They weigh 15.00 oz. Zydrate comes in a little glass vial.


What is Vial of Zydrate?

It's a potion that provides a buff when you use it.

When you drink/use this item you gain: fills your soul points, Skills increased by 5%, maximum mana or hit points by 5% and benefit from double health or mana regeneration. Depends on your vocation!

Notes :

- You can't use it without been usedhaving The knife.Knife.

- Zydrate Vial will stay in effect for 30 minutes or until you die.

How to get Vial of Zydrate?

Bosses drop it around Cyntara: Example: Vlad, Jesters, etc.