Stamina in Cyntara
Stamina in CyntaraIt is anvery important partthat ofyou the gamemanage and managinguse ityour isstamina evento moremaximize critical.your experience increase.
The maximum amount of Stamina:
While connected to the game in the skill trainer area with the 7 day streak, you will regain 165% stamina per second.
You will turn to red Stamina at 06:00 hours left on Stamina. Loot will also be disabled and you will receive 50% experience.
Enter here:
- 3 hours of 1.5 experience bonus stamina.
- A discount at the magic shop
- 2x training speed at training tiles.
- Both Entrepreneur addons.
- Ability to change with !change sex (once every 24 hours)
Stamina will turn orange after 41 hours. Best to save your experience boosts, and time your hunting during the global experience boost.
You can also use fish in game for the experience boost. Can earn this in game and buy through the store.
More experience: