Amethyst palladium set upgrades
First of all check Tier Sets For more information about how to get tier set upgrade tokens.
You need 4 tier set upgrade tokens to upgrade your high noble set into amethyst palladium set (T1) and 1 tier set upgrade token for 1 piece.
When you put all set you get next stats :(Arm: 14,77, distance fighting +10,40, shielding +6,10, max health +5%39%, max mana +3%10%, protection physical +3%11%, death +3%16%, movement speed +2%, health regen +120/770/1s, mana regen +120/670/1s, life leech +10%, mana leech +5%11%, critical damage +5%20%, mana cost reduction +3%).
Amethyst palladium helmet (T1),